Who we are


René Hansvencl 

Rene founded SPH in 2010 in ordertoadvisehisclientsdevelopbusinesssustainably in AsiaandtheMiddle East. Prior tofounding SPH Rene was the CEO ofhisfinancialandinvestmentadvisory firm forover 11 years. Rene startedhiscareer in investmentbankingwhere he worked in severalleadingorganizationslike Commerzbank, Helaba forover 17 years in leading international roles.


Debjit Chaudhuri

Director Digital Strategy

DebjitD. Chaudhuri joined SPH in 2017. After finishinghiseducation (BS Physics, MBA) in 1994, Debjit  worked in India, China andthe USA forleading IT andfinancecompanies in variousroles. In 1999 Debjit founded Infosys Technologies (NASDAQ:INFY) in Germany andgrew the businessuntill2010, building a team of over 1800 consultantsservingover 30 clients (including 15 DAX listed) whom he advised at CXO levels. In 2010 he co-foundedthesustainabilityplatformElpis, which he exited in 2013. Sincethen he hasbeen a partneratValueWerk, whichinvests in technologystartupsandadvises large global Family Offices on investments in Germany since 2011.


Bettina Neubauer

Project Manager

Beforejoining SPH in 2013 Bettina was for 15 yearsprojectmanagerat Procter & Gamble in thesectors Media and Market Measurements, workingtogetherwith international teamsandbeingresponsibleformanagementreporting, dataqualitymanagementandevaluationofsuppliers. Prior tothisshe was a Media Plannerat DMB&B, responsiblefor international brands. Bettina holds a degree in Business Economics andis a certifiedmediatorandbusinesscoach.


Valerie Hansvencl

Digital Media & Communication

BeforejoiningSPH in 2017 Valerie was an intern at the sportscompanyVolcomresponsible for sportsmarketingandsales. In 2015 shesupportedthe Marketing & Event Management Team at Eintracht Frankfurt forexperience in large scaleeventmanagementandsocialmedia. Valerie holds a Bachelor ofArts in Business and Brand Management.


Regina Döbert

Office Manager



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